7/3 就是成勳 Mini The Gentle Fan Party 的售票日喔!在此 YC 為大家再次送上教學文,祝福所有的小黃們買票順利!可以進場跟歐巴一起同歡唷!!! Good luck!
Dear yellkies… Are you ready for the ticketing opens for Hoony’s Mini The Gentle Fan Party activity on July 3? Here, we have prepared the ticketing instruction in three languages and hope this may help you get tickets you want! Good Luck!
[購票教學/Ticketing Instruction]
# 請注意,本次 7/3 & 7/5 的售票,主辦單位有設定「問題關卡」!要 pass 才能進入區域選擇的部分喔!
Please note that this time the organizer has set up the problem proxy. You will need to choose correct answers to proceed to the next step.
請注意,7/3 的售票主辦單位已公告, Payment 的部分有兩種方式:1) 信用卡線上付款; 2) ATM 虛擬帳號匯款。
The organizer of Hoony’s 9/8, 9/9 Mini fan party has announced that there are two payment terms for Hoony’s ticketing: 1) Credit card online payment (oversea fans may apply as well); 2) pay via local ATM machine.
#Instruction and Figures made by 雪人
請問這次免費退票是不是只可在三天內把票寄回kktix? 謝謝
按照 https://gorgeous.kktix.cc/events/6744b407 和
http://support.kktix.com/knowledgebase/articles/356418 的說明,看起來退票是需要「在購票日後的三天內寄給 KKTIX(以郵戳為憑)」,然後~好像退票時KKTIX 會酌收票面價5%的手續費耶(沒有免費退票的樣子?)