[Access Guide 交通文] How to get to ATT SHOWBOX ~ Part 1.

交通文 Part 1 之如何從市區出發到 ATT SHOWBOX (台北市内から ATTまでの路線)

不知不覺已經3月了!還有不到兩星期,我們就可以看到Hoony啦~(雪人⛄ 編表示:時間怎麼過這麼快!我還沒有做好見오빠的準備!) 這次是勳第一次台灣見面會,相信很多外縣市或海外的小黃們都會聚集到台北來,就讓我們一次把交通方法都Fix 吧!

Can’t believe it’s already March. We finally can get to meet Hoony in less than 2 weeks!  (I am totally not ready to see Oppa but time really flies…. ) This is Hoony’s 1st Taiwan fan meeting and we believe there will be so many yellkies gathering together in Taipei. So~~~ let’s help you to “FIX” your transportation.

まもなく Hoonyのファンミーです。この文章はATT SHOWBOXのアクセス方法をご紹介します!

這次的交通文會分為兩篇,如果你是從台北市區出發的話,看這篇就沒錯了~ 但如果你會從機場直接到ATT4FUN 的話,就請看交通文Part 2喔~~

We just divide the access guide into 2 different articles. If you depart from the central Taipei area, please see this article (Part 1). If you plan to get to ATT directly from the airport, please see another article (Part 2). We will also prepare another article to recommend you some “must see” spots in Taipei later!! 🙂

台北市内出発の方〜MRT一本で 一気にATTまでのアクセスが簡単になりました!!


從台北市區出發的話,最方便當然是坐捷運啦~ 無論是板南線的市政府站,還是淡水信義線的台北101站,只要走大概10分鐘就能到ATT4FUN見Hoony囉~~

Ok… if you try to get to ATT from central Taipei, the most convenient way is to take the TAIPEI MRT system to get there. You may take either “red line” to Taipei 101 station or the “blue line” to Taipei city hall station to get to the neighborhood of ATT. Then, just take a 10-minute walk and then you can see “ATT4FUN” and ATT SHOWBOX is located at the 7th and 8th floor in the building of ATT4FUN.



Ok… Let’g go!! 

  • Red Line 淡水信義線 – Taipei 101 Station 台北101站 (R03)

If you take the Red line (Tamsui-Xinyi line), then… please get off the MRT at the Taipei 101 station (R03)


  1. 搭乘捷運淡水信義線,於 101/世貿站(R03) 下車  (지하철 단수이-신이 선(빨간색)을 타고 R03 타이베이101/ 세계무역센터역에서 내리세요)。  Take Taipei MRT “Red line” and get off at the Taipei 101/World trade center station (R03).


2. 沿著站內指示牌,於 4號出口 出站 (4번 출구로 나오세요)。Follow the direction to find Exit 4(4番出口)


3. 看到星巴克後左轉,往手扶梯方向(스타벅스 보면 왼쪽으로 가세요)。When you see Starbucks, please turn left and walk toward the escalator.


4. 乘手扶梯至地面後,往回轉(에스컬레이터 타고 뒤쪽으로 돌아가세요)。Take the escalator to the ground floor and please turn to the opposite side of the road


5. 一直直走至看到斑馬線(쭉가세요~)。Walk straight and cross the street


6. 過馬路後左轉,並直走至斑馬線(횡단보도 건너고 왼쪽으로 똑바로 가세요)。As you cross the street, just turn left and walk straight to the next crosswalk.


7. 過馬路後繼續直走(횡단보도 건너고 쭉가세요)。Then cross the street and keep walking


8. 這裡就是ATT 4 FUN 了(ATT 4 FUN은 오른쪽에서 있어요~)。Then, this is ATT 4 FUN


9. 看到頂呱呱後右轉(TKK Fried Chicken 보면 오른쪽으로 가세요)。When you see the store of TKK Fried Chicken, turn right


10. 一直走就會看到商場入口,坐電梯至 6樓 你就可以看到Hoony了!(매장 입구 찾았다~ 6층으로 올라가고 후니오빠 만날 수 있어요~~)。Keep walking and you will see the entrance. Take the elevator to the 6th floor… you can see Hoony there!! ^^


  • Blue Line 板南線— Taipei City Hall Station 市政府站 (BL18)

If you take the Blue line (Bannan line), then… please get off the MRT at the Taipei City Hall station (BL18)

  1. 搭乘捷運板南線,於 市政府站(BL18) 下車(지하철 반난 선(파랑색)을 타고 BL18 타이베이 시청 [Taipei City Hall] 역에서 내리세요)。Take the blue line and get off at the Taipei City Hall station (BL18)


2. 沿著站內指示牌,於 3號出口 出站(3번 출구로 나오세요)。Follow the direction to find the Exit 3 (3番出口).


3. 於3號出口坐手扶梯至地面後,後右轉(3번출구에서 에스컬레이터 타고 오른쪽으로 가세요)。Take the escalator to the ground floor and then turn right


4. 即使兩邊名店林立也不要被誘惑,一直直走(여기는 명품관 많이 있지만 먼저 쭉가세요)。Keep walking and try to ignore so many shopping places


5. 來到新光三越A4 ,但先不能進去,你還要去見Hoony,直走吧(Shin Kong Mitsukoshi 백화점(A4)은 보면 계속 직진 하세요)。Then, you will see Shing Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store A4… Just keep walking…


6. 過馬路後,還是繼續直走(횡단보도 건너고 똑바로 가세요)。Cross the street and keep walking


7. 這邊是新光三越A9 ,但不要讓Hoony等你,無條件直走(Shin Kong Mitsukoshi 백화점[A9] 도 보면 무조건 직진 하세요)。You can find another Mitsukoshi Department Store (A9) here but we don’t want Hoony oppa to wait for us… so~ keep walking!


8. 過了這條馬路後右轉,經過愛迪達和GAP後,你就會看到商場入口了(횡단보도 건너고 오른쪽으로 돌아서 아디다스하고 GAP은 지나가면서 매장 입구 찾을 수 있어요)。Cross the street and turn right. After passing through Adidas and GAP, you will see the entrance of ATT.


9. 到了!坐電梯至 6樓 ,你就可以看到Hoony了!(도착 했어요! 6층으로 올라가고 후니오빠 만날 수 있어요~~)。Yeah~ we are here!! Take the elevator to the 6th floor and then you can see Hoony.



….. Part 2 ~ To be continued!!



ーArticle and Photo by 雪人

#Translation: J🌟