交通文 Part 2 之如何從機場出發到 ATT4FUN (空港からATTまでの路線)
大家看完Part 1後應該都了解從市區到場館的方法了吧~(Part 1傳送門)如果你會在FM當天才到台灣,這篇可以幫你把機場到場館的交通到Fix~
After reading through our part 1 access guide, we hope everyone has realized the way to get to ATT Showbox from central Taipei (Click here for Part 1). However, if you arrive Taiwan on the day of fanmeeting (Mar 17) and plan to go to ATT Showbox directly from the airport, please take a look at this article.
台北有兩個機場,所以記得看清楚你抵達的是 桃園機場(TPE)還是 松山機場(TSA)喔~如果從 桃園機場 出發,坐 大有巴士1960 巴士,在 台北君悅酒店 前下車,走5分鐘就可以到ATT4FUN囉。
There are two nearby International airports close to Taipei so please make sure you will arrive Taiwan via Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) or Songshan International Airport (TSA) [If you are familiar with the International airport in Seoul… the location of TPE is more like Incheon airport and TSA is just like Gimpo airport]
If you will go to Taipei from Taoyuan International airport (TPE), please take CitiAir Bus #1960 and get off the bus in front of the Grand Hyatt Taipei . Then, just walk for about 5 minutes and you can see the building of ATT4FUN.
如果你的航班是在 松山機場,那你可以坐捷運 文湖線 到 大安站,換乘 淡水信義線,全程大約45分鐘就可以到場館了。
If you will go to ATT Showbox from Songshan airport, please take the Brown Line (Wenhu line) of Taipei MRT to Daan station (BR09/R05) and then transfer to the Red Line and get off at the Taipei 101/World Trade Center station (R03). It takes about 45 minutes from the airport to ATT Showbox if there is no traffic jam.
桃園機場出發 (From Taoyuan Airport, TPE)
- 第一航廈 (Terminal 1)
- 出海關到入境大廳後左轉(입국장으로 나가고 왼쪽으로 가세요)。When you enter the arrival Hall, please take a left turn.
2. 直直走(똑바로 가세요)。Walk straight!
3. 直走到底,從右手邊的手扶梯下去(오른쪽에서 에스컬레이터 타고 내려가세요)。Keep walking and take the escalator on your right hand side.
4. 下來後,左轉後再右轉,往機場客運售票台(왼쪽으로 가고 오른쪽으로 돌아가면 공항버스 매표소를 볼 수 있어요)Then, first turn left and then turn right. Walk to the ticket counters for airport bus.
5. 找到3號大有巴士的售票櫃位,跟服務人員說到君悅飯店,就可以買到票囉 [票價 145NTD](3번 매표소 (CitiAir Bus) 찾고 1960번 버스 티켓을 사세요~ [요금 145 NTD] **내리실역: 그랜드 하얏트 타이페이 Grand Hyatt Taipei )。 Please find #3 counter and this is the ticket counter for CitiAir Bus. Tell the staff that you need a ticket to the Grand Hyatt Taipei. The price is 145 NTD.
6. 根據票上的時間,提早5-10分鐘到10號月台等候上車,上車前請再跟工作人員 說是要到君悅飯店(출발시각 5-10분전에 10번 승차홈에서 줄을 서고 스태프에게 내리실 역을 알려주세요)。Check carefully with the time shown on your ticket. Please wait at the bus stop #10 about 5 to 10 minutes before the departure time. Please remind the bus driver and the staffs that your destination is Grand Hyatt Taipei!
- 第二航廈 (Terminal 2)
- 出海關到入境大廳後右轉(입국장으로 나가고 오른쪽으로 가세요)。When you enter the arrival Hall, please take a right turn.
- 直走到底(똑바로 가세요)。Walk staight
- 看到義美食品後右轉(I-Mei Foods 보면 오른쪽으로 가세요)。Take a right turn at the corner of I-Mei Foods.
3. 直走到底 again(쭉~~~~가세요)。Again… walk straight to the end
4. 左手邊就是各客運的賣票櫃位(매표소는 왼쪽에서 있어요)。Then, you can see the ticket counters on your left hand side.
5. 找到4號大有巴士的售票櫃位,跟服務人員說到君悅飯店,就可以買到票囉 [票價 145NTD](4번 매표소 (CitiAir Bus) 찾고 1960번 버스 티켓을 사세요~ [요금 145 NTD] **내리실역: 그랜드 하얏트 타이페이 Grand Hyatt Taipei )。Please find #4 and this is the ticket counter for CitiAir Bus. Tell the staff that you need a ticket to the Grand Hyatt Taipei! The price is 145 NTD.
6. 根據票上的時間,提早5-10分鐘到10號月台等候上車,上車前請再跟工作人員 說是要到君悅飯店(출발시각 5-10분전에 10번 승차홈에서 줄을 서고 스태프에게 내리실 역을 알려주세요)。Check carefully with the time shown on your ticket. Please wait at the bus stop #10 about 5 to 10 minutes before the departure time. Please remind the bus driver and the staffs that your destination is Grand Hyatt Taipei!
- 1960 下車後 (After you get off the bus #1960…)
- 在君悅酒店前下車(그랜드 하얏트 타이페이 역에서 내리세요)。Get off in front of the Grand Hyatt Taipei stop.
2. 下車後,往世貿一館方向走(내리신 후, City Hall Rd. 방향으로 가세요)。Please walk toward the Exhibit Hall 1 of the Taipei World Trade Center.
3. 走至松壽路與市府路的十字路口,往松壽路方向過馬路直走至下一路口(Song Shou Rd. 방향으로 횡단보도 건너고 쭉가세요)。Then, when you arrive the crossing in Song Shou Rd and City Hall Rd., keep walking toward Song Shou Rd until the the next block.
4. 過馬路並直走(횡단보도 건너고 똑바로 가세요)。Cross the road and keep walking
5. 經過Forever 21後,右手邊就會看到ATT4FUN 的入口了!進去坐電梯到六樓,就可以見到Hoony囉! (Forever 21 지나가면서 매장 입구는 오른쪽에서 있어요~ 6층으로 올라가고 후니오빠 만날 수 있어요~~)。 When you pass over the Forever 21 shop, you will see the entrance of ATT4FUN. Please take elevator to the 6th floor and then you can see where the ATT Showbox is. Hoony oppa is waiting for us there! ^^
松山機場出發(From Sungshan Airport, TSA)
- 出海關到入境大廳後,往右手邊走,由F門出去(입국장으로 나가고 오른쪽으로 가세요. F GATE으로 나가시면 되세요)。When you enter the arrival Hall, please walk to your right hand side and exit the arrival Hall from gate F.
2. 出去後就可以看到松山機場捷運站(공항에서 나가고 송산 공항역 볼 수 있어요)。Then, you can see the MRT station in front of you.
3. 坐手扶梯進站 [拿大型行李的話,請坐電梯](에스컬레이터 타고 내려가세요)。Please take escalator downstairs and if you have large luggages… we recommend you to take the elevator.
4. 下去後,右轉直走到底(내려오고 오른쪽으로 가고 똑바로 가세요)。Please turn right and walk straight to the end.
5. 走到底後,右轉(게이트 들어가고 오른쪽으로 가세요)。To the end… turn right
6. 再坐一次手扶梯下去後,往後轉(에스컬레이터 타고 내려가세요. 내려오고 뒤쪽으로 돌아가세요)。You will see the escalator again and take the escalator downstairs and then walk to the opposite side. You will see the entrance of Songshan station (BR13).
7. 直走,在右手邊進站(직진으로 가고 오른쪽에서 승차하세요)。Buy your tickets and then walk to your right hand side to enter the station.
8. 搭乘往動物園方向列車,在大安站換乘淡水信義線(往象山方向),在台北101/世貿站下車,走路約10分鐘就可到達(동물원행 열차 타세요. BR09 다안 역에서 내리고 단수이-신이 선(빨간색) 환승하세요. 샹산행 열차 타고 타이베이101/ 세계무역센터역에서 내리세요)。 Please take the MRT heading to Taipei Zoo (BR01). Get off the MRT at Daan station (BR09/R05) and transfer to the Red line (toward Xiangshan R02). Then, get off at the Taipei 101/World Trade Center station (R03). Walk 10 minutes you will see ATT4FUN.
希望這系列的文章可以幫大家順利的抵達 ATT Showbox!! ~💛
We hope these 2 articles may help our yellkie fellows arrive ATT Showbox easily! Really look forward to seeing you all next week~ 💛
ーArticle and Photo by 雪人⛄
#Translation: J🌟